Apache Kafka Bits and Pieces

Frank Munz
2 min readJun 27, 2019

In this article I like to list some resources that you might find useful when starting with Apache Kafka on AWS. This could be with Amazon MSK, but also for all other Kafka projects.

  • I recorded a new web cast that shows many new feature of Amazon Managed Streaming for Kafka with short live demos: cluster creation and security, custom configurations, integration with CloudWatch, resizing of broker storage and much much more. You can get the slides here.
  • The recording is online now:

Q: What’s the difference between a message broker and a commit log in the scope of Kafka?

commit log = high level, conceptual data structure (in reality it is often a partitioned, replicated commit log).
message broker = a message broker is a Kafka process assigned to a machine. the logical commit log is partitioned across various brokers for increased throughput.

Q: What does MSK stand for ?
A: It stands for Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka. It is the managed “Apache Kafka Service” that AWS offers.

Q: Hoping to hear about migrating an existing on-prem Kafka cluster to MSK, any tooling?

A: I won’t have the time to talk about it in this webcast unfortunately. You can mirror or migrate your cluster using MirrorMaker, which is part of Apache Kafka. For example, you can use it to migrate your Apache Kafka cluster to Amazon MSK or to migrate from one MSK cluster to another. For more details, please check the Amazon MSK documentation at https://docs.aws.amazon.com/msk/latest/developerguide/migration.html



Frank Munz

Cloudy things, large-scale data & compute. Twitter @frankmunz. Former Tech Evangelist @awscloud, Principal @Databricks now. personal opinions here. #devrel ❤️.